The program contributes to the protection, transmission, and the promotion of religious heritage of historical, architectural, or artistic interest.
The support it offers aims to preserve and conserve landed and furnishings, works of art, and organs demonstrating heritage value across the whole of Québec.
Step-by-step instructions for the recipients of a financial assistance – Part 1
See the recipients for 2023-2024
Restoration of buildings
Cultural heritage buildings of a religious nature whose date of construction is prior to 1976 and which hold one of the following statuses under the Cultural Heritage Act (RLRQ, chapitre P-9.002) are admissible:
listed heritage building;
building located in a classified or declared heritage site;
heritage building cited or located in a cited heritage site.
d) constructed before 1945 whose heritage value as been declared either: indispensable (A), exceptional (B), or superior (C) according to the Inventory of Places of Worship of Québec realized by the Council in each region.
e) constructed between 1945 and 1975 whose heritage value has been declared indispensable (A), by virtue of the Inventory of Places of Worship of Québec realized by the Council;(check the list);
The building in question is insured and protected by a functional fire detection system. The owner must maintain continued coverage at their expense by the insurance policies necessary for the building.
[1] Heritage buildings of a religious nature notably include: place of worship, rectory, bishopric, convent, monastery, seminary, calvary, and surrounding walls.
For the performance of construction work, with the exception of work carried out internally, municipal bodies and public bodies subject to the Act respecting contracting by public bodies are subject to the rules governing the awarding of contracts which are theirs. applicable. The other eligible organizations are required to proceed by public call for tenders for a minimum period of 15 days for any construction contract involving an expenditure equal to or greater than $ 100,000.
Expenses related to companies registered in the Register of companies not eligible for public contracts (RENA) are not eligible.
Click here for more details on eligible work under Section 1.
Expenses related to companies registered in the Register of companies not eligible for public contracts (RENA) are not eligible.
The application for financial assistance must be completed on the form provided by the Council and must be accompanied by a health record for the building (written in the last 5 years), proof of insurance, and proof of the presence of a functional fire detection system. The application can be submitted at any time of the year to the regional Table de concertation responsible for the applicant’s territory.
When a municipality is involved in the project, the applicant must submit a written consent to the effect that certain information appearing in his application may be communicated to another department or organization, in order to:
The application for financial assistance must be completed on the form provided by the Council and be accompanied by an expert’s report (report the object’s state of conservation and indicating the necessity of its restoration) for the furnishings, work of art, or organ and proof of insurance. It can be delivered at any time of year to the Council’s office.
When a request involves a municipality, the Council will carry out a pre-analysis of the file based in particular on the guide/memory sheet that will be provided to them, in order to ensure that the provisions of the Law on secularism of the State are taken into account
The regional Table de concertation analyses all submitted applications, determines the priorities, and recommends the projects to the Council. The council analyzes these projects and submits information about its recommendations to the Minister.
A committee for furnishings and works of art and a committee for organs were created by the Council to process applications submitted for this section. These committees analyze submitted applications, determine priorities and recommend projects to the Council.
The Council then analyzes these projects and submit information about these recommendations to the Minister.
Consultez le site du MAMH pour connaître l’indice de la RFU par unité d’évaluation imposable et compensable
In addition, the cumulative amount of direct or indirect financial assistance received from ministries, organismes and agencies of the governments of Quebec and Canada, as well as municipal entities, must not exceed 100% of eligible program expenditures. For the purposes of the rules for the accumulation of public financial assistance, the term municipal entities refers to municipal bodies including the article of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information (Chapter A-2.1).
Also, the maximum financial assistance that may be granted for a single project by the Minister cannot exceed $ 5,000,000.
In order to receive financial assistance, the beneficiary must sign an agreement of financial assistance with the Council. This convention requires the beneficiary to respect all foreseen obligations as well as those expected of the program.
In addition, the recipient must complete, within 36 months of the letter of announcement, the work that is the subject of financial assistance and the reporting to the Council. If necessary, an amendment can extend these deadlines.
Following the transmission of a visibility letter by the Minister to the applicant, project supervision takes the form of the following actions for Sections 1 and 2:
Preparation of plans and quotes by the beneficiary and presentation to the Council for approval (when applicable);
Reception by the beneficiary of the authorisation of works issued by the Ministry of Culture and Communications for property protected by virtue of the Cultural Heritage Act;
Approval by the Council to proceed with solicitation and conferment as stated in the contract.
Supervision by the Council of deadlines of authorized projects;
Dispersement by the Council of financial assistance to beneficiary upon submission of invoices, payment certificates, and suppliers’ proof of payment, with no limit on the number of payments;
Reception by the Council of the certificate of completion of work;
Final verification of the project by the Council.
Transmission by the Council of the final result of the project’s verification to the Minister;
Transmission by the Council to the beneficiary of a questionnaire on the clientele’s satisfaction.
The application for financial assistance, except for movable property and works of art, must include a report on the condition of the building (Section 1). It can be filled out by the architect in charge of the project. You’ will find here a how-to book to guide you in completing the report on the condition of the building, and a template you can use.
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