Archives Day

7th edition of Archives Day | Diffusion – Innovation

The Archives Committee is pleased to announce that the program for its next Archives Day is available on the CPRQ website. Entitled “Diffusion – Innovation”, this day aims to bring together several actors and actresses from various backgrounds in order to reflect on the promotion of religious archives. To do this, two conferences, a round table and workshops linked to dissemination and innovation will allow you to discover all the valorization possibilities offered to religious archives.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday, April 19, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the BAnQ Vieux-Montréal for this 7th edition of Archives Day! For information, online participants only have access to morning activities.

As a reminder, online participants only have access to morning activities. In addition, online participants will receive a connection link after obtaining their ticket. Regarding the in-person meal, we will contact you in the coming days/weeks so that we can organize ourselves accordingly. A welcome brunch will also be offered to participants in the morning. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact Franck Calard ( Let’s promote Quebec’s religious archives!

Informations pratiques
Vendredi 19 avril 2024 | 9h – 16h
Archives nationales à Montréal, 535 Avenue Viger Est, Montréal H2L 2P3
Il n’y a pas de stationnement réservé aux visiteurs
Métro Champ-de-Mars ou Berri-UQAM

Franck Calard
Conseiller en patrimoine | Conseil du patrimoine religieux du Québec
514 931-4701 | 1 866 580-4701 | Poste 2 

Program 2024

Programs from previous editions

2022 2018 2016
2014 2013 2012

The Archives Committee

Quebec’s religious archives heritage is the fruit and testimony of the passing of time. It is our heritage, our memory. It frequently remembers us in various forms on different occasions and sometimes without even suspecting his presence. It is up to us, collectively, to ensure that this vast heritage is preserved, and its content transmitted and explained to future generations.

The Archives Committee of the Quebec Religious Heritage Council is involved in the protection and enhancement of religious archival heritage, notably through the organization of Archives Day.

More information