Committees and Regional Round Tables

Specialized Committees

The Organ Committee and the Moveable and Art Committee are responsible for analyzing files and recommending restoration projects, while the Archives Committee aims to encourage community and religious tradition representatives to ensure the long-term survival of their archives in order to guarantee their testimonial value for future generations.

Job Offers

When you join the team of the Québec Religious Heritage Council, you’re choosing to express your potential for rallying around a major issue.

There are no jobs available at this time.

Regional Round Tables

The Regional Round Tables are made up of laity and clergy who represent the faith traditions of heritage buildings, heritage experts (historians, architects, etc.), municipal managers, cultural and rural agents, and representatives of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications. They have observer and adviser status without the right to vote. In each of the regions of Quebec, they disseminate information about financial aid, receive funding applications, recommend restoration projects according to budget availability, and assist in project follow-up (Immoveable property).