Archives Committee

The purpose of the Archives Committee is to encourage representatives of communities and religious traditions to ensure the sustainability of their archives in order to guarantee the value of their testimony for future generations. The Archives Committee:     

  • organizes every two years a networking event: The Archives Day
  • implements the Directory of centers, services and resources in religious archives
  • published two specialized guides
  • submitted a brief as part of the renewal of the Politique culturelle du Québec, in 2017
  • submitted a brief as part of the consultation of the Québec archival community on the revision of the Archives Act, in 2021.


Resource person:

Franck Calard

Archivist Marc Lacasse conference


The Archives Committee wishes to support document processing, presentation and preservation initiatives. To do this, based on its knowledge of the situation of religious archives in Quebec, the committee proposes the following objectives:     

  1. romote religious archives by raising the awareness of the population and decision-makers of the importance of this heritage;     
  2. Support all initiatives originating from the field of religious archivists who contribute to fulfilling the mission set by the committee;    
  3. Promote exchanges between the various heritage stakeholders (archivists, art historians, architects, etc.);     
  4. o be a place of expertise in the management of archives in the eyes of religious institutions and communities;     
  5. 5Obtain support for the treatment, preservation and dissemination of religious archives.

For the years 2019 to 2021, the Committee’s interventions will focus on the following objectives:

  1. Promote religious archives     
  2. Play a leadership role in religious archives with heritage stakeholders     
  3. Exercise an advisory role and meet the expectations of the religious archives community.


Marc Lacasse

Hélène Élément

Josée Pomminville

Éric Turcotte

Jody Robinson

Stéphanie Daigle

Stéphan Martel

Mylène Laurendeau

Isabelle Dumas

Cassandra Fortin

Simon Fortin-Dupuis